Job Seekers

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How can Jobfasta help you?

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Thousands of top employers in Tanzania use Jobfasta, and with our easy to use dashboard, you can search, sort and apply for multiple roles easily.

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What our clients and assisted candidates say about us

Hassan Mussa

Thank you for connecting me with a company I love. I was able to be interviewed and I have started work

Hassan Mussa

Products Operation

Simon Allen

It was difficult before I joined Jobfasta but it has become easier after joining. I applied to Exim Bank and got a quick response and got a job. Thank you

Simon Allen

Human Resources

Judith Daniel

I am happy with your customer service of Jobfasta. You are very attentive to solving the challenges of your customers. Thank you for the good service

Judith Daniel

Sales and Marketing

Sarah Bhosina

I have applied to five job vacancies. I have been answered by three companies and received good instructions. I thank Jobfasta for the excellent service

Sarah Bhosina

Hotel Manager

Dauson A Hansim

I have been enjoying the services of Jobfasta by getting daily job updates through email. Congratulations

Dauson A Hansim


You must create an account as a job seeker on Jobfasta so that you will be able to send job applications to companies and institutions that hire.